Rules of Procedure


Updated September 15, 2014

1.1 Intergovernmental Agreement: The Intergovernmental Agreement to establish the West Lane Emergency Operations Group (“Group”) provides that the Group shall adopt rules of procedure.

General Rules
2.1 Meetings to be Public: All meetings of the Group shall be open to the public, except for Executive Sessions, as allowed by State law. All meetings of the Group shall be subject to the State of Oregon Public Meeting statutes (ORS 192.620).
2.2 Quorum: A quorum for any meeting shall consist of a majority of the Full
Members having delegated representatives and shall be necessary for the transaction of business.
2.2.1 Only one representative from each Full Member shall be designated to vote at Group meetings.
2.2.2 Attendance at meetings may be by telephone, and telephone attendance by Full Members shall count towards a quorum.
2.3 Minutes: An account of all proceedings (minutes) of the Group shall be kept by the Secretary. The minutes, upon approval, shall constitute the official record of the Group. Minutes are approved by motion of the Group, signature of the Chair and attested by the Secretary. Tape recordings are not the official record; however, shall be kept and stored until the Group authorizes disposal. The approved minutes shall be kept in accordance with the provisions of ORS 192.650 and be subject to the State of Oregon Public Records Statues and Administrative Policy.

Time and Place of Meetings
3.1 Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Group shall be held at least
once per year at 10:00 AM on the third Monday of June. Additional regular meetings may be held as needed at 10:00 AM on the third Monday of each month. A change of the annual meeting or other regular meetings may be made by motion duly passed at a regular meeting. All regular meetings shall be held at the Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Administrative Fire Station located at 2625 Highway 101, Florence, OR, unless another facility is needed to accommodate an anticipated increase in attendance.
3.2 Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by
announcement at any regular meeting. The call for a special meeting shall specify the time and place, and shall list the subjects to be considered. No special meeting shall be held until at least twenty-four (24) hours after the call is issued except in the case of an actual emergency.
3.3 Executive Sessions: Executive Sessions may be held in accordance with
the provisions of State law.

Office for the Group
4.1 The office for the. Group shall be at the Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Administrative Fire Station located at 2625 Highway 101 in Florence, Oregon. All records of the Group shall be kept at the office.
4.2 The mailing address for the Group shall be West Lane Emergency
Operations Group, C/O Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue, 2652 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439. The telephone number for the office shall be 541-997-3212.

Officers of the Group
5.1 At the annual meeting in June of each year, there shall be elected a Chair,
Secretary and Treasurer. Each officer so elected shall take office July 1st and serve through June 30th of the following year.
5.1.1 Officers shall be elected by a majority of members present at the first meeting of the Group.
5.1.2 Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of all members of the Group at annual meetings after the first meeting.

Budget Law and Fiduciary Agency
6.1 The Group shall prepare and adopt a basic annual budget in accordance
with local government budget law as appropriate. The fiscal year for the Group shall begin July 1 and end June 30 in accordance with local budget laws.
6.2 The Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue District (SVFD) shall serve as the
fiduciary agent of the Group.
6.2.1 SVFD shall establish and maintain a fund for the administration of Group revenues and expenses in accordance with Oregon’s Local Budget Law (ORS 294). Member’s dues and other revenues shall be paid into the fund. Group expenses shall be paid out of the fund.

Amendment and Adoption of these Rules
7.1 Adoption and Amendment: These rules shall be adopted, amended or
repealed only upon the affirmative vote of at least half of the members of the Group, provided that new rules or proposed amendments have been introduced into the record at a prior meeting.
7.2 Suspension of Rules: Any provision of these rules not governed by State 
Law may be temporarily suspended by a vote of the majority of the Group.

Emergency Management Coordinator
8.1 The Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue Fire Chief shall serve as the Group’s Emergency Management Coordinator unless an exception is required. All exceptions shall require the approval of the Group.  Emergency Management Coordinator will ensure the group’s operational, logistical, and administrative needs are met during times of non-emergency.
8.2 The Emergency Management Coordinator shall work in tandem with the Lane County Emergency Manager to ensure the emergency management needs of Group are met and coincide with the county’s Emergency Operation Plan.
8.3 The Emergency Management Coordinator may act on behalf of the Group to carry out the daily operational, logistical, and administrative needs of the Group.
8.4 The Emergency Management Coordinator shall obtain Group approval during a regular meeting for all policy level matters and purchases exceeding $3,000.00.
8.5 The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for all local Emergency Operation Center (EOC) activations, training, and management.
8.6 The Emergency Management Coordinator may also serve as a voting member of the Group.
8.7 The Emergency Management Coordinator will provide supervision to adjunct employees and appointees such as but not limited to the CERT Coordinator, Public Outreach Coordinator, and EOC Manager.
8.8 The Emergency Management Coordinator or their designee shall function as the Local Emergency Operations Center Manager. Depending on the nature and location of the disaster, the EOC Manager is responsible for ensuring that an incident command structure has been established to ensure a coordinated response by all local emergency services agencies.  For instance, the person in charge of disaster response may be an Incident Commander, a team of Unified Commanders from the affected local jurisdiction(s) and/or from the following disciplines: police, fire, public works, public health, hospitals, utilities, etc. The EOC Manager’s role is to ensure that an appropriate management team is in place and is coordinating with the Lane County EOC to bring resources to the incident and, if necessary, request additional resources from the state.