Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness is essential for individuals and families. You and your family need t take the proper measures to be prepared in case of a natural disaster. Mother Nature can be very unpredictable and if you are prepared and have the proper supplies on hand, then it will help eliminate some of the stress while you are trying to recuperate from an emergency situation. Food storage and other aids are important to keep up-to-date and have for survival.
Sometimes creating a food storage supply can be overwhelming. An essential kit that can get you started in preparing your family for an emergency situation is a 72-hour kit. Having a 72-hour kit available for each individual in your family can be a lifesaving item. It is a good idea to have a big kit with things for your entire family and also have some individual kits that fit the needs of certain family members.
The 72 – Hour Emergency Kit should be individually tailored to meet the basic survival needs of your family for three days to a week. Most families prefer to store their emergency supplies in one location that is relatively safe, yet easily accessible if evacuation is required. Items may be stored in a 32-gallon trash can, suitcase, duffel bag, footlocker or individual pack.
- Battery powered radio
- First aid kit an manual
- Sleeping bags and blankets (wool or thermal)
- Manual can opener
- Waterproof/windproof matches
- Water storage (1 gallon/person/day)
- Water purification tablets
- Utility knife
- Emergency candles
- Extra eyeglasses and contact lenses
- Essential medications
- Plastic bucket with tightly fitting lid
- Plastic bags and ties
- Disinfectant, soap Improvised toilet seat (5-gallon bucket or a coffee can)
- Paper cups and plates
- Plastic utensils
- Personal toiletries & hygienic needs
- Toilet paper
- Aluminum foil
- Paper towels
- Pen and paper
- Money
- Address and phone numbers
- Work gloves
- Basic tools
- First aid manual
- Aspirin or pain relievers
- Laxatives, diarrhea medicine
- Rubbing alcohol, petroleum jelly
- Soap, salt, baking soda
- Sanitary napkins, matches
- Triangular bandages
- Elastic bandages, pressure dressings
- Cotton balls, disposable diapers
- Scissors, needles, tweezers
- Popsicle sticks, splints, heavy string
- Thermometer, paper tape
- Syrup of Ipecac
- Personal prescription medications
- Always have at least one half tank of gas
- First aid kit
- Class ABC fire extinguisher
- Radio and fresh batteries
- Nonperishable food in coffee can
- Bottled water
- Tool kit
- Blankets or sleeping bags
- Short rubber hose for siphoning
- Jumper cables
- Waterproof matches and candles
- Reflectors and flares
- Flashlight with fresh batteries
- Paper and pencil maps
- Towel, plastic bags, medications