What is WLEOG?

West Lane Emergency Operations Group (WLEOG) is multi-agency emergency management coordination group established in 2007 to be the entity that coordinates the emergency planning, preparedness, response, and recovery activities of the emergency providers in western Lane County.

Mission Statement
The mission of the West Lane Emergency Operations Group (WLEOG), as a collaborative group effort between governmental entities and associated private citizen groups is to identify, proactively plan for, mitigate the impact of, react to, and recover from natural or man made disasters in western Lane County. The primary goal of the West Lane Emergency Operations Group is to respond appropriately, efficiently, and to effectively utilize all of the community’s resources in all facets of disaster preparation training and emergency response to protect life and property.

The West Lane Emergency Operations Group is created to be the entity that coordinates the emergency planning, preparedness, response and recovery activities of the emergency providers in west Lane County (the area within the Western Lane Ambulance District ASA).  Coordination involves working with all entities, public and private, that expect to play a role in emergency preparedness and emergency response.  The Western Lane Emergency Operations Group role in emergency planning will include assisting members review and update their emergency plans and developing emergency response plans for underserved areas within the area.  Emergency preparedness will include assistance in education regarding emergencies, developing inventories and acquisition or assistance with acquisition of emergency supplies and, where appropriate, facilitating the storage and readiness planning for emergency materials.  Emergency response activities will include training, response assignments, coordination of mutual assistance plans and agreements, and designation of persons and agencies responsible for directing emergency response.  Emergency recovery activities will include coordination of emergency declaration responsibilities, ensuring access to stored materials, facilities conversion plans, agreements regarding emergency substitution of personnel, and similar matters.